Friday, March 25, 2011

Real or Imitation

1 Corinthians 10:33 reads ..."Imitate me just as I also imitate Christ".  This is the formula for making disciples.  Everyone of us, regardless of our age or our schedule or our family situation or our financial situation should be disciple makers.  If we are livin like the real deal people should want to follow us.
Paul is challenging us here - to walk the way that Jesus did.  Paul was a disciple maker.  He followed Jesus and in turn challenged his followers to follow him:  To live lives not seeking their own well being - but putting the well being of other people in front of their own.  To have every interaction edify or lift up the other person.  How many of us can say that - that every interaction we have leaves the other person being lifted up, loved & supported?  To do everything that we do from brushing our teeth to taking a test to cleaning our rooms to how we treat our brothers and sisters for the Glory of God.  If we are truly disciples isn't this our job?
Paul wanted people to live like the real deal.  Just like Jesus did.  I read this & thought "Wow I've got some work to do".  My thought life still largely centers around me & my wants and needs.  I have interactions that I'm sure don't leave the other person feeling "lifted up". 
Here's the challenge!  Start identifying those things in your life that you really want & start praying for them - for someone else.  Want to really be challenged? - start praying for those things for someone who you don't like.   Spend one week trying to leave every person you talk to feeling better than when you started your conversation.  Say hi to some people you wouldn't normally talk to.  Do an act of kindness for someone every day.  Shock your parents & do something without being asked!  See living like a "real" disciple doesn't have to be about doing big things (although I encourage all of you to dream BIG) - it can be the little things in our life that we do every day that make a BIG difference.  GO & MAKE SOME DISCIPLES!

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