Sunday, May 6, 2012:
2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 51 & Matthew 23.
S: Matthew 23:3 – So observe
and practice all they tell you; but do not do what they do, for they preach but
they do not practice.
O: Jesus is warning
us to practice what we preach.
A: In Jesus’ day there were scribes and Pharisees who
were the equivalent of our modern day church leaders. They enjoyed positions of authority, the best
seats in church, the ability to set the rules and regulations and programs of
the church. Jesus observed that rather
than using their positions of authority to lead others into meaningful relationship
with God; to encourage others in their service of the Lord or to help those in
need they actually used their positions to make so many rules and regulations
and programs that they actually ended up interfering with the ability of the
people to enter into a meaningful relationship with God the Father. These
scribes and Pharisees spent a lot of time telling others how to live to please
God but they did not expend any energy in their own lives trying to please
God. With any kind of leadership comes
authority but also great responsibility – to practice what we preach; to not
just talk the talk but to walk the walk.
First and foremost we are servants of the most high God. Just as Jesus was. This is what people should see when they look
into our lives. Not perfection; but a
heart intent on serving God. And as a
follower I should watch and listen carefully before I decide to follow the lead
of any other person – are they leading me closer to Jesus or away from
P: Father God I thank
you for the leadership of all of the people
that you have placed in my life. Those
who have led by wonderful example and those who have not. Because I have learned lessons from both. Father
God my heart is only to serve you.
Forgive me if I have ever said or done anything that led another away
from true relationship with you or interfered in their growth in you. Use me Lord to lead people to you – not with
fancy words but by loving you and doing my best to “walk the walk” all the days
of my life.